From left to right Steve Curry, Randy Ham, Jay Curry
Spicewine Ironworks started production, January 1, 2004. It’s owners are Jay Curry, Steve Curry & Randy Ham.
Jay Curry: Owner Columbia Welding & Machine L.L.C and Spicewine Ironworks, B.A. Business Administration & Management, Master BBQ Cook ( Culinary Institute of Smoke Cooking ), 13 years Restaurant Manager 26 years welding experience and Competitive BBQ Chef.
BBQ-4-U Interview with Jay Curry
Steve Curry: Owner Columbia Welding & Machine L.L.C. and Spicewine Ironworks, 13 years Food and Beverage Management, 24 years welding experience, Welding Instructor and Competitive BBQ Chef. Attended Missouri Western State University.
Randy Ham: Owner Columbia Welding & Machine L.L.C. and Spicewine Ironworks, B.A. Agriculture / Animal Science, 21 years welding experience and Competitive BBQ Chef.
What We Do
Spicewine Ironworks manufactures Commercial Quality Smokers for Restaurant and Home use. We have a line of Sauces & Spices, Smoking Woods, BBQ accessories and Novelty Items.
Roots and Blue’s BBQ Interview with Jay Curry